St Mary's School


26 Mary St
Northampton WA 6535
PO Box 138
(08) 9934 1112


St Mary's School



Enrolment …


St Mary’s School exists to further the mission of the Church. In Western Australia, the Mandate of the Bishops requires the Catholic Education Commission of WA to make Catholic school education available to all Catholic children, insofar as this is possible.


  • St Mary’s School has a preferential option for the poor and marginalised
  • St Mary’s School fulfils its mission in partnership with parents, who are the first educators of their children
  • St Mary’s School has a responsibility to fulfil the requirements of relevant Federal, State and Local Government laws and legislations
  • St Mary’s School will accept all applications for enrolment
  • The acceptance of an application form does not guarantee an enrolment interview or offer of enrolment
  • Enrolment at St Mary’s School shall only be offered where there is age appropriate accommodation and the requisite resources to respond to any specific needs of the student
  • Enrolment at St Mary’s School does not guarantee enrolment at any other Catholic school

School Enrolment Criteria

  1. Catholic students from the St Mary’s Parish with a Parish Priest reference (The necessary form is included with the Enrolment Form)
  2. Catholic children from outside the Parish with a Parish Priest reference
  3. Other Catholic students
  4. Siblings of non-Catholic students
  5. Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations
  6. Other non-Catholic students

St Mary’s school works in partnership with parents who are the first educators of their children.

Please note:

  • Acceptance of an Enrolment form or offer of enrolment does not guarantee an enrolment interview or offer of enrolment. Enrolment in St Mary’s School does not guarantee enrolment in any other Catholic school.
  • Parents or Guardians who knowingly withhold material information relevant to the application/enrolment process may have their enrolment terminated or refused by the Principal on these grounds
  • Parents in the enrolment form must disclose any known special educational needs of the prospective student, any known particular medical condition and or health care requirements of the prospective student
  • Parents must provide a copy of the any Parenting or Restraining Order that applies to the prospective student and fully and truthfully completed the application for enrolment form

School’s Schedule of Fees and Payment Policy

St Mary’s School Board sets school fees. At the Annual General Meeting of the School Board, held in February, the Treasurer announces any change in fees for the year and the schedule is then published in the next School Newsletter.

The Fees Schedule includes:

  • Annual tuition fees for education
  • Amenities Fee for Art/Craft and transport
  • Building Levy (per family) to help service capital debts
  • Excursion Fee – inclusive of costs for four incursions per year (such as puppet theatre/musical theatre etc)
  • Insurance Levy for 24 hour cover

Fees are sent out at the beginning of each term and are to be paid in one of the following ways:

  • One annual payment
  • Four times a year (one per term)
  • A direct debit facility is also available which does not attract any fees or costs, is available. Payments can be made weekly, fortnight or monthly. Please discuss these options with the Principal

Health Care Card Scheme

Catholic schools in Western Australia provide eligible current Health Care Card holders a discount on tuition fees only. A current Health Care Card needs to be sighted and an additional Rebate Form needs to be filled in. Please note that not all Health Care Card holders are eligible. Please contact the office if you have any queries.

The inability to pay school fees does not preclude any child from attending St Mary’s School. Parents who are unable to access the Health Care Card Scheme but would still have difficulty in making school fee payments, should see the Principal to discuss the availability of alternative fee payment arrangements.

Timeline for Processing

At St Mary’s School, Kindergarten applications will be taken at all times. Interviews will be scheduled early in Term 3 of the year before and written notification of acceptances sent out as soon as all interviews have taken place. Other applications will be taken and interviewed as per Interview Criteria as soon as a place becomes available. The interview process will follow that outlined in this document.

Parental Obligations

Parents are responsible for supplying information, to the best of their knowledge, in relationship to the prospective students in the following areas:

  • Any special needs or requirements
  • Any particular medical conditions and/or health requirements
  • Parental or Restraint Order
  • Fully completed the enrolment form

Breach of Enrolment

If a parent or guardian knowingly withholds information relevant to the application/enrolment process then the Principal reserves the right to refuse or terminate enrolment on that ground.

Enrolment Procedure

Parents wishing their children to be educated at St Mary’s School need to complete an enrolment form available from the office or website. Once the form is completed an interview with St Mary’s, Principal, Mr Brett Love needs to be organised. This is not a confirmation of enrolment and you will be advised by letter if your enrolment has been successful.

Each year during the months of August and September, the school will advertise in the school newsletter, parish bulletin and, if necessary, the local paper for enrolments. However, this process will occur only if the waiting list does not exceed 15 of the above and that the total class numbers for the following do not exceed 26 in the junior primary classes and 30 in all other classes.

Names may be submitted to the school secretary at any time prior to the month of August to be entered onto the waiting list.

Enrolment for grades other than Kindergarten will be on application by the parent to the Principal who will determine eligibility for entry to our school providing that a position is available for a new student in the appropriate grade in accordance with the priorities stated above.

Parents who choose to apply to enrol a child at St Mary’s school accept:

  • That they abide by the policies and practices established and developed by the Principal and the School Board whilst their child/children are enrolled in St Mary’s School. If you are unsure of any policies or practices please consult the Principal.
  • That they have an obligation to fully support the fund-raising ventures of the Parents and Friends (P&F) organisation. The P&F funds provide the additional amenities necessary for your child’s education that supplement what is provided by the School Board’s budget.

Enrolment/Admission Information

It is vital that this information is regularly updated, as there have been a number of occasions where it has been found to have changed. This form requires:

  1. Information for daytime contact should accidents occurs. (In these cases, we attempt to first contact parents then the EMERGENCY CONTACT number.)
  2. Permission to act on the parent’s behalf if contact cannot be made.

Enrolment Form

Download the Enrolment Form.
Download the Parish Rriest Reference Form